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Parenting Tips Every Parent Must Know (and Mistakes to Avoid)

Parenting Tips Every Parent Must Know (and Mistakes to Avoid)

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Parenting is the hardest job in the world right?  Or is it?  It definitely doesn’t have to be!  With these parenting tips I’m about to share with you, I PROMISE you parenting is about to get a whole lot easier!

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Parenting Tip #1 – Don’t Be Your Child’s Servant

The first parenting tip that I need you to understand is that you are NOT meant to be a servant for your children.  Even very young toddlers can be taught to do things for themselves.  If you feel like your kids are yelling “MOM!!!” all day long and you’re having to wait on them hand and foot, this is NOT how it needs to be!

So you need to stop doing that right now.  Your kids should be able to get their own snacks and drinks.  They should be able to put things in the trash, and put their clothes in the hamper.  Teach them how to do these things. Put snacks and snack cups where they can get them, put their drinks on the bottom shelf of the fridge.  If they want to watch something on tv, teach them how to search for it themselves.  Put their toys where they can get to them.  Whatever it is you need to do to help your kids be more independent and stop treating you like their personal servant, do it!

It’s No Your Job to Entertain Your Kids!

The second important parenting tip that I need you to pay attention to is that it is NOT your job to entertain your kids.  In fact, if you make it your job your kids are going to come to depend on always being entertained. They are going to complain and tell you they’re bored whenever they aren’t being entertained. 

If you want an easier life as a parent, you need to let go of the idea that it’s your job to provide endless entertainment for your kids.  They need time for independent play.  They need chances to exercise their minds in creative ways.  If they tell you they’re bored, you can certainly empathize with them.  We all get bored sometimes.  But let them figure out what to do when they’re bored.  Too many kids in todays world never have the chance to even be bored because they are overscheduled and over stimulated.  Do yourself a favor and let your kids get used to being bored!

Parenting Tip #3 – Set Clear Rules and Limits

authoritative parenting

Another parenting tip that seems simple but that I see SO MANY parents not doing is to set clear rules and limits and enforce them.  Now if you follow my channel or follow me on Tiktok (@twentytinytoes) then you know I believe very strongly in respectful, positive parenting.  I’m not telling you to use harsh discipline or punishment of any kind.  And I’m not telling you to make up arbitrary rules just for the sake of having rules! 

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For kids to really understand and follow the rules, they have to make sense.  But having no rules and boundaries for behavior in your home is a recipe for disaster.  So make sure you have rules for things that are important to you and can help make your life easier as a parent.  Kids should be cleaning up their own messes.  They should be putting things back where they belong when done. 

If you don’t want your kids running around and wreaking havoc in your house, make a rule that boisterous play has to happen outside.  If you like quiet evenings, make a rule that everyone has some quiet time before bed.  As long as the rules make sense, and as long as you are willing and able to enforce them rather than just making empty threats, then having rules in place will make your life as a parent much more enjoyable.

Value Connection Over Correction

Another important tip that really makes life as a parent so much easier and happier is to value connection over correction.  The more you can deepen the connection with your child, the more cooperative they will be, and the less power struggles and behavior problems you will have.

I know we’re all busy, and I’m not suggesting that you have to be playing with your kids all day long.  Remember, it’s not your job to entertain them.  But you should be setting aside some time every day to connect with them, without your phone or other distractions, and really ENJOY your time together. 

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This could be something simple like reading a book or watching a tv show that you both love.  It could be playing a game, or going for a walk.  Maybe preparing a meal together.  Just make sure you are really present, really enjoying the time with your child.  The more you focus on building and strengthening your relationship, the easier life as a parent becomes.  This is probable the most important thing on the whole list, so make sure you understand the importance of it.

Parenting Tip #5 – Milestones

So here’s another important parenting tip that you must understand if you want to enjoy your life as a parent.  Don’t worry about all those milestones!  You don’t have to try to get your baby to craw or walk by any certain time.  You don’t need to do anything special to get them to talk.  Toddlers don’t really need to be forced to learn letters and numbers and shapes in an effort to prepare them to get ahead of the game in preschool.  If you follow me, you know that my kids don’t even go to school, and we’re doing just fine. 

Resist the urge to compare your child to any other kids.  Kids all develop at their own pace, and there’s nothing to be gained in trying to rush things other than a lot of stress.  So if you want to be a happier parent, follow my advice and let that stuff go.  Just enjoy your kids and let them develop at their own pace.

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Don’t Parent by Default!

And my last bit of important parenting advice is to please not do what I like to call “parenting by default.”  And by this is mean, not giving a lot of thought to your parenting, just doing what you see others do, or what your parents did, or what you’ve seen on tv. 

If you don’t parent with intention, you’re likely to have a lot more problems.  Do some research on authoritative parenting (and watch my video on it).  It really is the most effective parenting style.  And if you add respectful, positive parenting to it, you’re going to have such an easier time as your kids get older. 

So really make sure you put thought into how you’re raising your kids, the kind of discipline you’re using, what kind of relationship you want to have with your kids.  They say kids don’t come with a manual on how to raise them, but I disagree.  There is so much good information these days right at your fingertips.  Read the articles on my blog, watch my parenting videos, research these things for yourself.  Don’ just wing it.  Trust me, this is too important not to put a lot of thought into. 

So there are my top parenting tips to make life as a parent so much easier and happier.  If you found this helpful, I’d love to know!