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How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Predators – The Ultimate Guide

How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Predators – The Ultimate Guide

If you have kids, you probably worry a lot about how to keep your kids safe from predators. I’ve created the ultimate guide to the best ways to make sure your kids are safe both at home and on the go.  These are some of the best ways that you can keep your kids safe from predators, both in real life and online.

Many parents think that teaching about strangers is enough, but the sad truth is, children are often abused by people they know.  Here are some important things that you can do to help protect your children from predators, whether they are strangers or someone closer to home.

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Keep Your Kids Safe from Predators With A “No Secrets” Policy

telling secrets

Predators will often try to get a child to keep a secret, or say things like “it’ll be our little secret.”  If that child were to say “we don’t keep secrets in my family,” the predator may move on to another target because they are looking for kids who are easily controlled. 

This is why it’s very important to have a “no secrets” policy in your home.  You have to really make this a rule for your whole family.  Teach your child that there are no secrets in your family, and encourage them to tell this to anyone who might ever ask them to keep a secret.

The exception to this of course are surprises.  Teach your children the difference, and use the word “surprise” whenever you don’t want your child to spill the beans on the plans for someone’s birthday party or the awesome gift you just ordered for them. 

Surprises are fun and happy and make you feel good.  Secrets make you feel uncomfortable or sad.  Teach your children this important difference. It could end up being the thing that keeps your child safe from predators, should they ever be in a situation where someone with the intent to harm asks your child if they can keep a secret.

Teach Your Child the Correct Names for Their Private Parts

From an early age, it is so important to teach children the correct names for their private parts.  There are a few reasons for this.  For one, when kids know the correct names for their private areas, they are more able to identify exactly what happened if they were ever to be the victim of a sexual predator.  It’s often difficult to prosecute if the child cannot name the correct anatomical name for their private parts.

Another reason this is important is that it teaches children that there is nothing shameful or embarrassing about these parts of their body.  And if a child uses these names in the presence of a predator such as “don’t touch my nipples!” that person is far more likely to leave them alone. 

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Children who are comfortable saying the correct names for their private areas may have more body confidence, which in turn helps them to be more confident in protecting their own bodies from others who may mean them harm.

Remember to teach your kids that their private areas are Private! Nobody is to touch them there or kiss them there (except if you need to wash them or at the doctor’s office with you present). Also teach them that no person should ask them to kiss or touch their private areas with any part of their body.

Keep Your Kids Safe From Predators By Never Forcing Affection

This is something I talk about a lot, and it’s important for many reasons.  But why is it important when you want to protect your children from predators?  Here’s how I feel about it.  Kids who know that they do not have to hug, kiss or show any other sign of affection to anyone unless they want to just may be more likely to say no when they need to most. - Get 1 Year for $59.99!

Forcing kids to hug or kiss someone, a friend or relative or anyone at all, teaches kids that their bodies do not belong to them, and if another person wants to touch their body, they have to submit, regardless of how they feel about it.

Let your kids decide when and to whom they show affection, and this includes you as well. Respect your kids when they say “No.” Kids need to know that their voice matters, ESPCIALLY when it comes to their own bodies. This is a really important way to help keep your kids safe from predators.

For more on teaching bodily autonomy – read my related article:

Keeping Kids Safe from Predators in Public


When you’re on the go with your kids, whether on vacation or at the local grocery store, it’s important that they stay with you at all times. Still, kids can and do get lost in public places, and it’s important to have a plan in place for if they do become lost.

One important thing you can teach your children is to STAY PUT if they ever become lost. This is one of the easiest ways for you to find them quickly. If they realize they are lost and stop where they are rather than wandering off to try to find you, you will be able to locate them much more quickly.

This is also important to prevent anyone from taking your child. If you have taught your child that they must ALWAYS stay put no matter what, then they will hopefully refuse to go with anyone, whether that person means well or otherwise.

You can also identify some “safe” adults they can ask for help. Store employees can be good choices. Also moms with kids (such as a woman pushing a child in a shopping cart.) Police officers are also good choices but may be harder to find. Still, having your child stay put is likely the safest option.

It’s also important that your child knows your cell phone number, so that you can be located quickly if a well meaning adult offers to help. Have them practice learning your number often, and repeat it whenever you are going somewhere with the potential of them becoming lost.

What if Someone DOES Grab Your Child?

We all hope this scenario will never happen, but it’s still very important that children know what to do in the rare case that someone does manage to grab them.

Make sure your children know that this is one time where it’s perfectly ok and necessary to fight kick punch bite and do whatever it takes to get away. Teach them some of the most vulnerable body parts to attack, such as the eyes, groin and throat.

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It’s also important to teach your child to do more than scream if you want to keep them safe from predators. Many adults are desensitized to hearing kids scream while their parents carry them off, and might not realize that a kidnapping is taking place. Teach you child to scream “I’m being kidnapped!” or “This is not my Mommy!” or “This is not my Daddy!.” Phrases like that are much more likely to draw attention.

Teach Your Child the Tricks Predators Use

When my daughter was younger, I asked her what she would do in a certain scenario. I asked “what if a nice looking lady came up to you and said she had puppies in her car? What if she said that she knew your mommy and that mommy said it was ok for you to come have a look?” I was shocked when she said she would go with the stranger to see the puppies. This began a talk about different tricks that predators use, one that we have had many times over the years.

One way to keep your kids safe from predators is to teach them to NEVER go anywhere with a stranger, no matter WHAT excuse they may have. Teach them that Mommy would NEVER send a stranger to get them, even if she was hurt. Teach kids that they must never go with anyone even if that person is offering toys or candy or puppies or anything else.

It’s also very important that kids know that an adult should NEVER ask a child for help. If an adult lost their puppy or child they would ask another ADULT for help. This is so crucial to teach, as it’s a tactic often used by predators to lure children away.

Keeping Kids Safe from Predators with GPS Trackers

This idea might seem a little extreme, but it can be helpful for some families. Especially if you live in a busy area or city, you might want to consider this option. A wearable GPS tracker can help you locate your child if they become lost.

Some of these devices are small and can be easily concealed. Just remember, predators are aware that these exist so make sure if you do buy one that it’s discreet. I don’t think hiding them in shoes is the best idea, since a kidnapper can easily just remove and toss your kids shoes.

These are probably the most helpful if your child walks to school, or if you’re planning a camping trip or day hiking in the woods. Most of these devices connect to your phone via an app, and require a monthly subscription plan. Some offer two-way talk features and SOS for your child to activate if they feel threatened or become lost.

With so many options out there, it’s important to do your research if you decide to get one.

Keeping Kids Safe From Online Predators


In the world we live in today, it would be nearly impossible to keep your kids away from the internet. Instead of restricting access completely, as kids get older you should make sure to set them up for success by restricting their usage of devices so that they can have a safe experience.

As a parent, you need to be vigilant in understanding what your kids are doing online. What games are they playing, do they have access to internet searches like Google, are they talking to people online in chat rooms or in game chats, are they in group chats, do they have access to social media, the list goes on and on.

It’s also very important to understand what kind of online access their friends may have. Many kids have tablets and cell phones with access to the internet, and we can’t assume that their parents have set the same parental controls that we may have. Keep your kids safe from online predators by teaching them what is acceptable online and what isn’t, regardless of if they are at home or at a friends house or school.

Make sure your children never use their own names or personal details in their online screen names. Teach them never to give out any personal information online, in their profile and especially not in online chats. One on one chats should be restricted to friends they actually know in real life, not internet strangers.

Hopefully this ultimate guide to how to keep your kids safe from predators was helpful! Sign up for our email list for more helpful info on parenting and more!