Are you searching for a co sleeper for your new baby? I’m glad you are considering this product for your newborn! A co sleeper is a wonderful way to share sleep with your baby without the risks of bed sharing. Today I will share with you why the Arm’s Reach Concepts co sleeper is the best co sleeper on the market!
Check out my product demonstration:
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Why Use a Co Sleeper?

There are many options for where your newborn should sleep. Many parents start off right away with a crib. Other parents like to use the bassinet attachment of a pack n play. There are also many stand alone bassinets on the market. And finally, there are co sleepers.
Most pediatricians recommend keeping your baby in your room for at least the first six months to a year. This has been shown to prevent SIDS, so I definitely recommend that you follow this advice. You can certainly start off with a crib and keep it in your room if you have the space. There are definitely many options to choose from and still have your baby in your room with you.
What is Co Sleeping and Why I Practice it With My Kids
Why do I recommend a co sleeper? With a co sleeper, you have the added benefit of having your baby right next to you while you sleep. This is especially great for nursing moms, as your baby will be within arms reach. At night you can reach right over and get your baby, nurse them, then put them back to bed. All without having to get up at all!
A good co sleeper should attach securely to your bed with a side that folds down. This way your baby is at the same height as your mattress, so it seems as if they are right in bed with you. However, instead of the risks of bed sharing, with a co sleeper your baby has their own safe sleeping space.
Features to look for in the best co sleeper

So what features should you look for in a co sleeper? What makes the best co sleeper? Here are some features that you should look for in a great co sleeper:
Check out the Arms Reach Co Sleepers Here
- Ability to convert to standalone bassinet
- Sturdy design
- Firm mattress
- Storage – especially for things you need in the middle of the night!
- Adjustable height
- Attaches securely to bed
- Can be folded up for travel
- Wheels to make moving easy when in bassinet mode
Why I Recommend the Arms Reach Co Sleeper

So what makes the arms reach co sleeper stand out as the best co sleeper? With so many choices on the market, it can be hard to choose. When I was searching for a co sleeper for my first child, there were a lot of options. There are even more options today!
Here are some of the reasons why I feel the Arms Reach Co Sleeper is the best co sleeper on the market!
- Very sturdy design
- Can be folded up for travel (most models)
- Can be easily converted into a stand alone bassinet
- Designed so it cannot be tipped over easily (unlike some designs on the market)
- Available in a variety of designs and colors
- Adjustable height (some models require you to purchase a leg extension kit)
- Attaches securely to the side of your bed
- Great resale! They go fast when you list them online.
- Great storage pockets for those things you need quick access to at night
- Some models offer storage underneath for things like sheets and sleep sacks
- Easy to assemble and take down
Best Co Sleeper Model to Choose?
If you visit the Arm’s Reach Concepts website, you will notice there are several models to choose from. Here is a breakdown of the differences between models:
- Least expensive model
- Cannot be folded for travel
- Foam mattress instead of firmer mattress found in other models
- Built in leg adjustment – no need for leg extension kit
- Storage on sides and underneath
- Can be used as a co sleeper or stand alone bassinet
MINI EZEE 2 IN 1 CO-SLEEPER – This is the one I recommend most
- Can be folded up for travel
- Firm mattress
- Leg extension kit sold separately
- Can be used as a co sleeper or stand alone bassinet
- Storage on sides and underneath
- Similar to the Clearview but with a sturdy wood frame
- Cannot be folded up for travel
- Built in leg extensions
- Can be used as a co sleeper or stand alone bassinet
- Storage on sides and underneath
- Similar to the 2 in 1 except this model can be converted into a small play yard as well
- Can be folded up for travel
- Leg extension kit sold separately
- Storage on sides and underneath
- Different style than the other Arms Reach models
- Built in leg adjustment
- Does not have a side that rolls down
- Cannot be folded up for travel
- Does not include the storage that other models have
- Great for smaller spaces
- Similar to the Mini EZEE 3 in 1 but larger
- Can be used as a co sleeper, bassinet or play yard
- Can be folded up for travel
- Leg extension kit sold separately
- Storage on sides and underneath
You Won’t Regret Purchasing a Co Sleeper for Your Newborn!
Hopefully this post has helped you learn about co sleepers, and why I recommend the Arms Reach brand of co sleepers. They really are wonderful well made products.
Do you plan to purchase one of these for your new baby? Let me know in the comments!