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Baby Registry Must Haves – What You Really Need!

Baby Registry Must Haves – What You Really Need!

baby registry

If you are expecting your first baby, you are probably going to be asked by someone to create a baby registry. Even if you plan to purchase everything yourself, having a list of must have baby items well in advance can help you properly budget for your new baby. Let’s face it, newborn babies need a lot of stuff! Then again, a lot of the things that baby stores and books will tell you to register for are actually not all that necessary. Read on for a list of the top baby registry must haves for your new baby, and some things you can save for later or skip altogether!

Disclaimer – some of the links in this article are affiliate links. If you click on a link and end up making a purchase, I will receive a small commission. I only link to products that I have used and would recommend to my family and friends!

Most Important Baby Registry Must Have – Infant Car Seat

car seat

You literally cannot take your baby home from the hospital without a car seat. This is why a car seat should be the first thing you add to your baby registry. This baby registry item is something you just cannot skip. And unlike most must have baby items, this is one you probably don’t want to buy used. Car seats have an expiration date, and if they have been in an accident, they shouldn’t be used again. A brand new car seat can be expensive, so don’t forget to add this so important baby must have item to your registry!

If you don’t think you will need an infant car seat (the kind you can carry around with you) then you can save some money by starting off with a convertible one, as long as you choose one that can be used for newborns. My advice is to go with the infant car seat though. When you have a newborn and small baby, carrying them in the car seat is so much easier. And while most parents switch to a convertible car seat much sooner, you can likely continue to use the infant car seat for a year or even longer, depending on the size of your baby. My twins are 18 months old and STILL in their infant seats (although we stopped carrying them around in them awhile back).

If you can’t decide which infant car seat to register for, you really can’t go wrong with the Chicco Keyfit 30. I have used these car seat for all three of my babies and they are wonderful!

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Somewhere for Baby to Sleep

arms reach co sleeper

The second on my list of baby registry must haves that you should add is something that your baby can sleep in. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a traditional crib. There are many options for newborns and infants. Bassinets are a great first option, and there are so many choices these days. It isn’t just the fluffy white basket you’ve seen in old movies. There are also co-sleepers (which I highly recommend) that attach to the bedside to keep baby close. Many parents also choose to use a pack n play with the bassinet attachment, which works great.

Whichever option or options you choose, somewhere for your baby to sleep is defitenitly a must have baby item to add to your registry checklist!

If you do decide to opt for a bedside co-sleeper, I highly recommend the Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper. I used these for all of my babies and I loved it so so much! They are really well made and great quality.

Baby Registry Must Haves – Infant Stroller

When you are out and about with your baby, you are probably going to want a stroller. How much use you get out of it depends on how many places you go, or how much walking you like to do.

I suggest adding an infant stroller to your baby registry. You will find that it’s easiest to have a stroller that you can just attach your infant car seat to, rather than taking your baby out of the car seat and putting them into the stroller. Babies often fall asleep in their car seats, and it’s so easy to just remove the car seat from its base and place it in the stroller. Likewise when you’re done with your walk – it’s so much easier to just snap the car seat back in it’s base and go home!

Related –

You can get a travel system where the car seat and stroller go together. You can also just get a stroller frame that accepts many different types of infant car seats. It’s really up to you and depends on which type of car seat you choose. Just make sure not to skip this must have baby item when creating your baby registry.

Must Have Baby Item – Baby Carrier

baby carrier

Here’s something that might not have made it to many baby registries in the past. But these days, a baby carrier is definitely something you want to consider adding to your baby registry. There are so many options, from wraps to ring slings to soft structured carriers. I had a few different kinds and I really loved them all.

If you add just one baby carrier to your registry, I suggest a wrap such as the Boba baby wrap. There is nothing that can compare to wrapping your newborn baby close to you in one of these. Your baby can sleep soundly close to your heart while you get a few things done around the house, or take a walk around the neighborhood. These are also wonderful for when you are out and about sight seeing or browsing in a store.

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While I am not sure if you can do away with a stroller entirely, there are definitely times when a baby carrier makes more sense (and is so much more fun!) This is a baby registry must have that you shouldn’t skip!

Registry Must Have – Baby Seat

infant seat

When you want to keep your newborn or infant close while you do other things, a baby seat is a must have! There are so many different kinds, it can be hard to choose. Ones that vibrate can be soothing to some newborns, and I liked these kind best. It’s also nice if they have a toy bar of some sort so baby has something fun to look at and later bat at when they get a bit bigger.

It’s also helpful if you can find one with several recline options. Newborns do better in a more reclined position, while older babies like to sit up more and see what’s going on around them.

Having something like this to move around from room to room is so helpful, especially when your babies are small. I used these to put my baby in the bathroom while I showered, in the kitchen while I prepared a meal, and next to the couch while I snuck in a quick nap. And even though newborn loungers, such as the Boppy Newborn Lounger, as also nice to have, the fast that you can strap your baby into these mean you can use them longer, such as when your baby learns to roll from side to side.

Video Baby Monitor

A baby monitor is one of the baby registry must haves that you don’t want to overlook. I know a lot of people think these aren’t necessary, but it’s hard to get by without one. In the past, video monitors weren’t an option, and parents did just fine with sound monitors. And while you still might be able to find a sound only baby monitor, I suggest going for the video monitor. You won’t regret it.

Babylist – Universal Baby Registry – Add Anything From Anywhere

These days you can also choose just a WIFI monitor and download an app on your phone. This is fine as an added option, such as when you want to go outside or somewhere in your house where the parent unit won’t reach. However, you are going to want that parent unit most of the time.

When your baby is asleep in another room, especially if they are in another room at night, you don’t want to rely on WIFI and a phone app. Phone batteries die, WIFI can go out, and maybe you want to use your phone for other things without having to run a separate app in the background. You won’t regret the convenience of having a separate video monitor. Just make sure you get one with a good range.

High Chair

high chair

While you won’t need one of these right away, a high chair is a necessary baby item that you can’t really get by without. Not only is it the safest place for your baby to sit when they are first learning to eat solid foods, it’s also a great place to put an older baby and keep them occupied with a few snacks or toys while you cook.

You probably won’t need anything fancy. A simple design will probably work best and be easiest to clean. Later on, when your baby is a little older, you might prefer a booster seat that straps to a regular chair. In that case, it’s sometimes nice to have a high chair that will convert into a booster. If not, you can always get one separately later on.

Less Common Baby Registry Must Have – Baby Movement Monitor

snuza hero

This is something I never even heard of before I had my first baby. I was a nervous wreck those first few nights, worrying so much about SIDS and unable to sleep for fear that my baby would stop breathing somehow during the night. And while there is no guarantee that these devices will prevent SIDS, I swear it saved my daughter.

One common belief about SIDS is that it happens when a young infant falls into a deep sleep that they are unable to rouse themselves from. A breathing or movement monitor can help detect whether or not your baby is moving and breathing regularly, and will alert you if something isn’t right. Having this really helped me to sleep better.

I highly recommend the SNUZA Hero SE Baby Movement Monitor. This is the one I used for all three of my babies. With my first daughter, there was one time that it went off and I had trouble rousing her. I was able to, thankfully, but I wonder what would have happened had it not been for this device. This one of the baby registry must haves that I recommend to all my friends and family who are expecting!

If you want to see my YouTube Demo of this – here it is!



While this may seem like a less fun item to add to your baby registry checklist, diapers are a necessity that can become quite costly. Registering for some diapers will help defray some of that cost. It’s also nice to know you have some on hand.

Don’t register for too many newborn sized diapers, as your baby may outgrow them before they get to use them. You can always get a few packs after birth if your baby is on the small size. I recommend adding a few size 1 and 2 diapers to your baby registry. I also suggest picking a few different brands so you can find out what you like and make sure your baby doesn’t have a sensitivity to any certain diaper brand.

If you plan to use cloth diapers, it’s a really good idea to register for some of those (especially the all in one style). For more on how to use cloth diapers – check out my article here!

Baby Registry Must Haves – White Noise Machine

white noise machine

Here is something else I didn’t realize I needed until after I had babies. Now I know that no list of baby registry must haves would be complete without it. Many people will buy cute little baby toys that play music, but a plug-in white noise machine is a better option. You can still have something cute to play lullabies, but when you want your baby to sleep well, especially at nap time, it’s great to have something that plays continuous white noise. This keeps them from being distracted by other noises around the house and helps prevent them from waking up too soon (such as when a delivery truck stops by and your dog starts barking!)

I really love the Homedics Soundspa. It’s very affordable and plays a nice selection of white noise sounds. What’s best about something like this is that you can plug it in and leave it going all night if you want. Battery powered sound toys just don’t last that long, usually around 10 minutes before they shut off. Many people also use their phone or an Alexa or Google device. But WIFI can go out, and you may want your phone for other things. A simple and cheap plug-in white noise machine is the best way to go!

Baby Gates

baby proofing

This is something I didn’t think to register for and wish I had. Baby gates, especially decent looking ones, can be expensive. You will probably want a few of these to keep your babies in (or out of) certain rooms in your house. If you have stairs, you will probably also want a gate at the top and bottom.

While this isn’t an item that you need for newborns, babies grow fast, and some start crawling as early as 6 months. Before that they will likely learn to roll around the room, and possibly into another one. Baby gates are good to have! This is why I suggest registering for a couple gates so you have them on hand when you need them. You should be able to get a lot of use out of them.

Baby Registry Items that You Might Not Need

While the above list of baby registry must haves is not all inclusive – those are the top baby registry items that I suggest everyone should have. There are also a lot of common baby registry items that you probably don’t need. Here are a few that I think you can skip:

  • Fancy nursery bedding and décor – while these are nice to have – most pediatricians recommend that your baby sleep in your room for their first 6 months to a year to help prevent SIDS. Additionally, all that crib bedding is usually not safe for newborns and infants.
  • Breast pump – most insurance companies cover a free breast pump, so look into this before adding one to your baby registry if you are considering nursing and/or pumping
  • Newborn Layette – while these are adorable and pretty to look at, many babies are born too big for newborn clothes or outgrow them quickly.
  • Baby bottles – even if you plan to formula feed, it can be hit or miss which type of bottle you and your baby will prefer. If you do add these to your registry, you might want to choose a few different kinds.
  • Waterproof mattress cover – most crib mattresses are already waterproof so that cover becomes unnecessary
  • Humidifier – I see these recommended often, but I am not sure how much help they are for babies. I never used them.
  • Bibs and burp cloths – people will probably buy these anyway. If not, they are pretty cheap to get later. Cloth diapers make the best burp cloths!
  • Wipe or bottle warmers – while certainly nice to have – money can be better spent elsewhere